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dangers of smoking For Your Reading Pleasure
Brief Overview of Cigars
A cigar is a securely rolled package of dried and fermented tobacco, one end which can be lit in order for the smoker to inhale smoke into their mouth or lungs. Cigar tobacco is grown in large amounts in countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, and the USA. Cigars that are made in Cuba are often considered to be the best quality cigar due to the unique tobacco that is only grown in these parts as well as the excellent cigar manufacturers there. Cigars have been smoke by natives of the Caribbean Sea since 900AD.
Christopher Columbus is usually recognized for the person who introduced smoking to Europe after discovering an island of people who smoked cigars.
In the 19th century, smoking cigars was very popular, while cigarettes were very rare. The economy relied heavily on the production and sales of cigar products. The cigar also has a notable part in political history when President JFK put a trade block on US/Cuban trade to try to restrict Fidel Castro's power.
The united states was now forbidden to purchase the finest cigars in the world, which hurt the Cuban economy and also encouraged illegal trafficking of cigars. Today, it is still illegal for Americans to purchase Cuban Cigars, which has resulted in a large inflation in price, as well as many counterfeits being made. The creation of the internet has increased the ability for Americans to purchase cigars online. Enthusiastic cigar smokers consider cigar tasting as some would wine or scotch tasting. Many keep journals and personal records of cigars they have smoke for future reference.
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Current dangers of smoking News
Proposal looks to snuff-out smoking in Virginia's restaurants (Bluefield Daily Telegraph)
Tue, 08 Jan 2008 10:08:36 GMT
RICHMOND, Va. — A statewide ban on smoking in restaurants proposed Monday by Gov. Timothy M. Kaine could protect area residents from the dangers of second-hand smoking, lawmakers said.
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