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A Featured wholesale cigar Article
How to Buy Cigars as a Gift
Is there a cigar aficionado on your gift list? Wondering how to Cigar Cigars choose a decent cigar for a friend or loved one? Even if you know nothing about cigars or choosing a good cigar, just learning a few basics can help you sniff out (sometimes literally) a good cigar to give to a friend.
Fortunately, cigars have now entered the mainstream. Once the symbol of the rich and powerful, it's easier than ever for just about anyone to purchase a good cigar. Of course, you probably won't be able to buy your friend a box of top-tier Cuban cigars, but you can definitely buy them a good quality cigar that will put a smile on their face.
First, visit your Smoke Alarms local tobacconist or specialty smoke shop for the best quality and widest selection. Avoid 'drugstore' cigars. Although they Smoking Ads may be inexpensive and convenient to purchase, drugstore cigars are usually filled with preservatives and generally of poorer quality. They may contain, at minimum, saltpeter, paper, glycerin, and other preservatives and irritants. You should make sure that the cigars you purchase are made of 100% tobacco. If you have any questions regarding the cigars ingredients, ask the salesperson. An experienced and knowledgeable sales clerk will be able to tell you extensive information about the ingredients.
Your local tobacco shop is a good place to shop because you will generally be allowed to smell and touch the cigars. Squeeze the cigar gently Smoking Age. A good quality cigar will give a little when squeezed. The cigar should be firm, with no excessively soft or hard spots. Never buy a lumpy cigar. Look at the wrapper. If you notice any drying or discoloration, best not to buy it. Ideally, the wrapper should be tight and smooth. Inspect the color of the tobacco to make sure it is even. Do this by inspecting the end of the cigar. Some color variation is normal, but if the color changes abruptly, chances are the cigar was not rolled properly. A cigar that is not rolled properly may result in an uneven burning and unpleasant odors.
If you're not sure how much your friend smokes, choose a longer cigar. Longer cigars tend to have a 'cooler' taste�an excellent choice for beginners. If you know Dangers Of Smoking your friend is an experienced and regular smoker, choose a cigar that is greater in diameter. These cigars tend to have a richer flavor that experienced Smoking Hot smokers will appreciate.
wholesale cigar and More
La Aurora Preferidos Cameroon Platinum
Price: 347.00
Perdomo Reserve Champagne X
Price: 151.95
Tinder Box Private Stock 150 Vanilla
Price: 49.99
wholesale cigar Items For Viewing
Cigars of the pharaoh (His The adventures of Tintin)
Cigars of the pharaoh (His The adventures of Tintin)
Cigars! Behind the Scenes
International Connoisseur's Guide to Cigars: The Art of Selecting and Smoking (Essential Connoisseur)
International Connoisseur's Guide to Cigars: The Art of Selecting and Smoking (Essential Connoisseur)
Here is the most convenient, expert and well-priced guide you'll find to tell you what cigars are available, how and where you can get them, and what the qualities are of each brand and variety. Like fine wines, exquisite cheeses, or the best caviars, a good cigar is something to be savored and appreciated with unabashed self-indulgence. Learn everything you have to know about the size, texture, age, and taste of cigars produced in America, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. 200 cigar brands are itemized, described, analyzed, and assayed; 80 of them are photographed. The history of cigars is included, and a special section of profiles of famous cigar smokers--from Winston Churchill to Fidel Castro, from Groucho Marx to Lauren Hutton, from Jack Kennedy to Arnold Schwartzenegger--reveals their likes and dislikes.
Current wholesale cigar News
Troy, Michigan-based Cigar Factory Outlet and among ... - PR Web (press release)
Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:14:08 GMT
Troy, Michigan-based Cigar Factory Outlet and among ... PR Web (press release), WA - The Jenuwine family has been in the Cigar Business since 1946 as a Wholesale Distributor, a Retail Tobacoonist, and a Direct Marketing Mail Order Company. ... |
Tobacco Retailer - CF Dominicana Cigars launches wholesale division.(PRODUCT NEWS)
Thu, 01 Jun 2006 07:00:00 GMT
June 1, 2006 -- CF Dominicana Cigars has announced its introduction to retail tobacco stores with the launch of a new wholesale division. To support the launch,...
The worlds original cigar accessories
Thu, 31 Jan 2008 03:01:01 -0800
King of smoking cigarette and Triple Torch Lighters, and distributors. The World's Original Cigar Accessories Approved by Blue Rhino Lighter Accessories Approved Airline ...
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